I'm not going to close my Last.fm account just yet, but I won't be scrobbling to it any more and have updated my profile there to reflect this. scroblr details Suggest changes last.fm iScrobbler details Suggest changes Category Popularity 0-100 (relative to scroblr and last. last.fm iScrobbler The original Last.fm Scrobbler client for OS X. So far it seems to be working beautifully. A lightweight browser extension that scrobbles the music you listen to on the web to your Last.
The links I sprinkled in above direct you to their Wiki with guides showing you how to do it.ĪSIDE: I’ll be posting in more detail how to set it up if you’re interested, for now if you’re technical I created a Libre.fm account with the same username and password as my Last.fm account, then downloaded iScrobbler and appended to my /etc/hosts file. To export your plays from Last.fm also involves downloading and running a few Python scripts. You can manually correct the song title by clicking on the. Optionally you can enable desktop notifications of now playing songs.

Then click the X that appears on the left upper corner of iScrobbler 2.2.1 to perform the uninstall. The scrobbler status is shown on the right side of the address bar. Click and hold iScrobbler 2.2.1 icon with your mouse button until it starts to wiggle. Open up Launchpad, and type iScrobbler 2.2.1 in the search box on the top.
For one thing, you need to edit your hosts file to redirect scrobbles from your Last.fm client to Libre.fm given no software (so far) has been designed for it the official Last.fm client won't work. Option 2: Delete iScrobbler 2.2.1 in the Launchpad. With a bit of technical know-how (more on that below), you can import your existing plays from Last.fm, and in return you get a profile page with your most recent plays, a complete history including artists and songs you've played the most, and the opportunity to join groups.Īs reflected in their current URL though, Libre.fm is very much in alpha and still a bit rough around the edges. 2008 Licence Free OS Support Mac Downloads Total: 689 Last week: 0 Ranking 104 in Audio Tools Publisher Richard Jones. Libre.fm is a music scrobbling and sharing website that runs on the free and open source GNUkebox software which you could even host yourself if you wanted to. It seems all I've talked about this beautiful Tuesday is music! So lets keep the blogging ball rolling and discuss Libre.fm, the website I mentioned earlier today that I've migrated to after Last.fm's latest shenanigans. Given the only image is being hosted on Flickr not here, I suppose this one is okay. Thông tin tính nng ni bt, sa file li và convert file.

UPDATE: This post was supposed to go live on Tuesday, but when I overshot my bandwidth allowance I dropped everything and forgot to publish it.