- Tekken tag tournament 2 unlockable costumes manual#
- Tekken tag tournament 2 unlockable costumes series#
Eventually, Heihachi comes back and reclaims his place in the Zaibatsu through winning the following tournament and then killing Kazuya by throwing him into a volcano. Heihachi, too late to realize Kazuya's devilish power, was soundly beaten and was thrown by Kazuya into the same ravine where he was thrown by Heihachi. Having been thrown into a ravine when he was only five years old by Heihachi himself, Kazuya survived due to a mysterious Devil Gene that he possessed, and trained himself so he could exact revenge. his VERY angry and disgruntled son, an apparently stoic man named Kazuya Mishima.
As it turns out, the tournament winner is. The game's plot starts with the Mishima Zaibatsu, a conglomerate of the very rich and corrupt Mishima family, run by Heihachi Mishima, sponsoring a tournament called King of Iron Fist. Tekken is one of Namco's most popular franchises, and possibly the most successful 3D Fighting Game series. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.
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Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed. In an agreement between Nintendo and Bandai Namco, Nintendo-exclusive content was included in the game to create a double way marketing, with the game promoting the console and vice versa. Captain Falcon: Bruce, Bryan, Marduk, Raven. Zero Suit Samus: Anna, Kunimitsu, Unknown, Zafina. Ganondorf: Ancient Ogre, Armor King, Combot, Devil Jin, Dragunov. Sheik: Forest Law, King, Leo, Miharu, Violet.
Zelda: Alisa, Angel, Asuka, Jun, Michelle, Nina. Bowser: Alex, Ganryu, Mokujin, Ogre (True Ogre), Roger Jr. Princess Peach: Christie, Ja圜ee, Lili, Panda, Xiaoyu. Mario: Bob, Eddy, Heihachi, Jack-6, Kuma, Paul. Each character with no exception can wear one of these, and are specifically: There is a total of 12 costumes based on different Nintendo characters, with 5 of them from the Mario series, 4 from the Zelda series, 1 from the Metroid series, 1 from the F-Zero series, and 1 from the Star Fox series. Some of these costumes also give the wearer an exclusive "item move". The Wii U version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2, notable for being the first Tekken game on a Nintendo home console, features some exclusive contents based on Nintendo series, specifically a "Mushroom Battle" mode based on the Mario series, as well as costumes based on Nintendo characters for the fighters. Tekken tag tournament 2 unlockable costumes series#
This page explains the character costumes based on Nintendo series in the game Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition, part of the Tekken series.